Sunday, July 12, 2009

Diazepam Info And Source

The history of diazepam goes back nearly fifty years when the company Hoffman – Roche first discovered the active ingredient diazepam. They tested the drug with very positive results and branded by the name Valium. Valium is almost a household name these days along with drugs such as Prozac. In the early years of release to the public doctors started to see the wide range of symptoms that diazepam could treat. Using diazepam does have some specific technical uses but its general benefits are felt more in the following diagnosis. Diazepam is used widely in anxiety related disorders, chronic muscle spasms and long term pain relief, post operative sedative care, alcohol and opiate rehabilitation, Insomnia and chronic sleeping disorders. In the 1980’s diazepam became the world’s most prescribed drug simply because it covered so many diagnoses from doctors.

However and interesting study was commissioned in 1999 by The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry that was seeking to find the approximate numbers of people seeking doctors with anxiety related disorders and diazepam info.